We have operated on a quote from Pete Hughes for the last 18 months:
”Spiritual acts without spiritual formation, leads to burnout, trauma, and unbelief.”
A huge part of why Oikos Ideas exists is to encourage a movement of intentional spiritual formation, or discipleship, back into the center of the local church. But part of that mission does not involve overlooking the burnout and trauma that has occurred - due to a lack of formation.
You can’t go through this life without incurring some scars from others, intentional or not. But, there is a way to not let the trauma of those scars hinder your walk with Jesus.
He sees us, wounds and all.
Join us at this workshop to walk-through:
What spiritual trauma is and isn’t?
What reconciliation really looks like?
And how to practice the unforced rhythms of grace that can overcome the pain of spiritual trauma?